Upload a DNA-Protein Complex
Use the form below to upload a structure file in PDB or mmCIF format to DNAproDB. You'll be given a link to a report page for your structure. From the report page you can use our visualization tools and view or download extracted features in JSON format.
In order to ensure your structure is processed correctly, please check the following requirements:
- Ensure that your structure is complete and has the proper symmetry before uploading. All HEADER information is ignored. We will not attempt to generate biological assemblies or apply any symmetry operations.
- All chain identifiers must be unique and all residue identifiers within a chain must be unique. Additionally, chains should correspond to a polymeric chain, either a protein polypeptide or a nucleic acid strand.
- Each model in the structure must contain an identical set of residues and nucleotides. Every residue and nucleotide should appear in every MODEL entry.
- Ensure your structure is in the correct PDB format. This includes making sure atom and residue names are correct and match those of the PDB convention exactly. For example, an adenine nucleotide should be named " DA", including the space. Any issues parsing your file will result in it being rejected from further processing.